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Quality Management System

Providing proper quality of services is a priority task of Seacover. We are constantly improving ourselves in this area to increase the trust of our customers.

Quality Management System (QMS) is a system aimed at improving the quality of services and includes the set of activities, procedures and rules determined by the standard ISO 9001 that allows demonstrating to customers the stability and sustainability of the company to external competitive market environment and reliability as a business partner.

The presence of certified QMS shows the well-functioning business as the quality system involves the management, resource management, staff, so the company receives the status of a reliable partner.
Seacover Ukraine is certified for compliance with ISO 9001: 2015 (Quality Management System) in Bureau Veritas Certification (BVC) since 2003. During this time we confirm the compliance of our Quality Management System to requirements of the standard when passing annual audits. We confirm the result and efficiency of the implementation of planned activities, the ability to achieve assigned goals, the constant development of management system to improve the functioning of the company on the whole.

Besides we passed on a voluntary basis the certification regarding the Regulation 1.4 of the Maritime Labour Convention Bureau Veritas Certification in 2013.